Chelsea Flower Show

For the first time since World War 11 the Chelsea Flower Show in London has been cancelled. However, due to the wonders of technology a virtual version will be shown on BBC2 next week, so many of us can sign of breath of relief. The Chelsea Flower show comes in for a fair bit of criticism in that it is elitist and highbrow and caters only for a snobbish Middle England minority and that it has no place in the modern world. Well, there is no bad language, anti-social behaviour or nudity and so far has resisted the temptation to be dumped down to the level of Celebrity TV to raise it’s viewing figures. For many this is a week of  pure escapism to view stunning gardens, beautiful flowers and listen to Monty Don. There have been gardens for Veterans, Windrush and Mental Health in the past. Creating a garden is making a sanctuary, it has health benefits, is a way of been out in the fresh air and keeping fit. The creative rewards are rich too and gardening is a great healer. ( In lieu of a garden, window boxes are great fun)

I have attached some lovely images from The Chelsea garden show 2019.


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